About Us
Who we are
Complete Business Solutions (QLD) is a multiple award winning, 100% Indigenous owned, Supply Nation Certified company, based in Cairns and providing services to all of Australia. We are business specialists that provide technology solutions to the health industry, especially NDIS, Child Safety and Aged Care sectors.
Core Competencies
The company provides business development consultancy services across Northern Australia for entrepreneurs, start ups, micro businesses, SME’s, Indigenous Corporations and Government. We help identify and treat pain points in your business.
The company has also founded iiHub – Far north Queensland’s first purpose-built business incubator hub that provides co-working space, development programs and business support services.
Complete Business Solutions (QLD) Pty Ltd helps other businesses to improve efficiency, compliance and growth. Solution focused, we help empower and equip your business and your people with affordable, practicable business tools and knowledge. We help drive significantly successful results in your business that lead to growth and success.
Working closely with our clients, we apply our extensive business knowledge and expertise to build you a custom solution that will improve or grow your business − whether it is process or people−centric solutions.

- Creating outcomes − producing quality results every time
- Nothing is too hard − no timeline too tight, no job too small
- Affordable solutions − without long term, lock−in contracts
- We create solutions individually customised to you, your operating style and your needs
- We’ll travel to meet you − whether regional, metro or interstate
- Our multiple awards give you confidence in our capabilities
- We are socially committed − dedicating many pro−bono hours to community
- Our first ‘yarn’ together is at no cost
- We know business, We know country, We know Government, We understand your needs!

Site Uptime
User Satisfaction
Indigenous Clients
Active Users
Associations & Partners
