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Onboarding New Employees

Step 1 – Setting up the employee’s login

 In People Manager > Employee Records, select ‘New Employee – System Access‘.

This will then allow you to enter basic information about the employee such as:

  • The ‘User Name‘ they will be known by in the system
  • The ‘email address‘ they will use to log in with (note can be any email address even if not active)
  • A generic password which they can change later themselves.

(Note: password must be minimum 8 characters; at least 1 number, at least 1 special character, at least 1 lowercase character and at least 1 uppercase character) (ie: tidEw@y5)

After selecting ‘Submit‘, a new employee record will be created in the database. They will only have an Employee Level Access at this time.


Step 2 – Adding HR information about the employee

To add further details about the new employee, go to ‘People Manager > Employee Records‘ and scroll down the table list of records, use the ‘search‘ function, to find your new employee.

You will see only their name name and email address at this time. Select the ‘view‘ button on the far left column. This will take you to the ‘Employee Details‘ view.

You will see in this view many vacant fields that you can update by selecting the ‘update employee information‘ button. Work through the relevant fields with the information you have about the new employee.

You will also see a row of buttons at the top of the details view labelled

  • Leave Records
  • Training Records
  • Supervision Report
  • Employee Documents
  • Account Settings

You can use these buttons to view, create and upload additional records about the employee.


Step 3 – Giving the new employee additional access permissions in the system

Subject to your own access rights, there are two places you can update the users access permissions.

a) Via the ‘Account Settings‘ button in the Employee Details view; or

b) Via the Company Administrator portal (you may need to ask you administrator to do this for you)

User Access Permissions include allowing or preventing access to the following list of system areas:

  • Company System Administration: Company Administration module.
  • Business Operation: Business Management, Business Improvement, Business Intelligence, Document Manager, People Manager, Incidents / Complaints and/or Health Safety & Environment Manager modules.
  • Service Delivery: NDIS Manager, Coordination Manager and/or Child & Youth Services






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